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Anchor of Hope. 1 Peter 2: 9 – “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a generation belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of the darkness into His wonderful light.” Psalm 8. Defend the cause of the weak and the fatherless; maintain the wrights of the poor and the oppressed.

New International Version A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. New Living Translation Father to the fatherless, defender of. Fathering advocates say almost every social ill faced by America's children is related to fatherlessness. Data reveals six different areas such as poverty. More than 20 million children live in a home without the physical presence of a father. Fatherlessness is associated with almost every societal ill facing our. For the director of music. My God, whom I praise, do not remain silent, for people who are wicked and deceitful have opened their mouths against me. It would be easy to make nifty charts showing a strong correlation between the increase in the number of police in D.C.

Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”Anchor of Hope is a registered NPO whose aim is the spiritual and social upliftment of all in need. We do not classify people by age, gender or race as poverty does not classify people. Our foundation is Jesus Christ and from there we help people in different ways. We currently feed and clothe about 3. Asian. These people live in squatter’s camps, townships, city and rural areas. The area of help is also not confined to the Mangaung area but we cover the whole of the Freestate and parts of the Northern Cape. Anchor of Hope is divided into four ministries, each with their own area of ministry, their own income structure and leadership.

These ministries are: 1) Anchor of Hope – Food and Clothing Bank, 2) Pregnancy Crisis Centre of Hope – unplanned pregnancies, pre and post abortion counseling, 3) Talita Koem – disabled people, 4) Evangelistic Outreach of Hope – outreaches and tent ministry.

Children of divorce: rapists and other criminals. Part of the Divorce Statistics Collection, from.

Americans for Divorce Reform. Battle Of The Drones watch online in english with english subtitles UHD 21:9 on this page. Legislation. . But a lot of important, pre- 2.

Divorce Statistics Collection. So you should check both this. Kids twice as likely to. JDs, teen moms if father not in home. A survey of 1. 08 rapists undertaken by Raymond. A. Prentky revealed the 6. Prentky, The. Developmental Antecedents and Adult Adaptations of Rapist Subtypes, 1.

Anchor of Hope - Home. 1 Peter 2:9 – “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a generation belonging to God, that you may declare.

CRIMINAL. JUSTICE AND BEHAVIOR 4. Rapists, murderers, lifers. Effects. of divorce on low- income boys (1. Cornell U. Cited in Amneus, The Garbage. Generation. A 1. 98. American cities larger than 1.

Rescuing A Fatherless Generation

Brian Willats. Breaking Up is Easy To Do, available from Michigan Family Forum, citing. R. J. Fatherless youth at higher risk for jail - study. Young men who grow up in homes without fathers are twice as likely toend up in jail as those who come from traditional two- parent families,according to a new study released Thursday.

Cynthia Harper of the. University of Pennsylvania and Sara S. Mc. Lanahan of Princeton.

Reclaiming A Fatherless Generation

University tracked a sample of 6,0. They found that those boys whose fathers were absent from thehousehold had double the odds of being incarcerated - even when otherfactors such as race, income, parent education and urban residencewere held constant. See. http: //www. Sampson, Crime in Cities.

The Effects of Formal and Informal Social Control. Tonry & Morris. Crime and Justice 2. The rate of violent crime and burglary is related to the number of single. A study showed that over half (5.

Chapman, Fairness For Families. An Organing Theme for the Administration's Social Policies, 2 The Journal. Family and Culture 2. Delinquency rates are 1. Brian Willats. Breaking Up is Easy To Do, available from Michigan Family Forum, citing. Edward L. Cited on page. The. Abolition of Marriage, by Maggie Gallagher.

A study conducted by two sociologists, Robert J. Byron Groves. who analyzed data from hundreds of British communities found that in neighborhoods. The Abolition of Marriage, by Maggie Gallagher. Among all possible contributing factors, . Cited on page. 36 of.

The. Abolition of Marriage, by Maggie Gallagher. Cited in Amneus, The. Garbage Generation, Page 2. Seventy- four percent of the nation's children live with two parents. A child growing up in a single- parent home (usually. Statistics from the Los Angeles Times, 1.

September, 1. 98. Cited in Amneus. The Garbage Generation, page 1.

Cited in Amneus, The Garbage Generation. Further, if. a home is broken, a child living with the mother is more likely to be a. In the case of. girls, even living with neither parent is less related to higher delinquency.

Cited in Amneus, The Garbage Generation. Fully 7. 5 percent. Dewey G. Cited in Amneus, The Garbage Generation, page 2. However, researchers at the Univ.

Cited in Amneus, The Garbage Generation, page 2. Cited in Amneus, The Garbage Generation, page. Cited in Amneus, The Garbage Generation, page 2. Joan R. Ingrid Waldron, Christopher C. Weiss, and Mary Elizabeth Hughes, .

Marital. Status and Wealth Outcomes Among Preretirement Adults. Parker and Tracy Johns, ? Recent Research on.

Family Structure and Delinquency 2. All but three of 2. Seven of the eight studies that used nationallyrepresentative data, for example, found that children in single- parent orother non- intact family structures were at greater risk of committing criminal. For example: A study using Add- Health data found that even.

Even after controlling for income, family structure is an important predictor. Maggie Gallagher, president of the Institute for. Marriage and Public Policysays, . Boys are hardwired. But they are not hardwired to grow into good family men.

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